18 yıldır işletmelerin daha iyi yazılımı
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Blue Eye

Blue Eye

Blue Eye Nedir?

MRX Systems yazılım çözümü, havacılık uzmanlarının gerçek zamanlı verilere erişmesini ve filoları ile operasyonları üzerinde kontrol sahibi olmasını sağlayan tam entegre bir dijital platformdur.

MRX Sistemleri, 10 yıldan uzun süredir aldığı müşteri geri bildirimleri ve sürekli geliştirme sayesinde operatörlerin, CAMO (Sürekli Uçuş Güvenliği Yönetim Kuruluşları) ve MRO’ların (Bakım, Onarım ve İşletim Birimleri) karşılaştığı zorluklara eksiksiz, güvenli ve ölçeklenebilir bir çözüm getiriyor. Sistem, her biri, belirli kullanıcıların operasyonel ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere tasarlanmış
dört modüle bölünmüştür.

Kimler Blue Eye Kullanıyor?

Satıcı tarafından sağlanmıyor

Blue Eye Yazılımı - 1
Blue Eye Yazılımı - 2
Blue Eye Yazılımı - 3
Blue Eye Yazılımı - 4

Blue Eye konusunda emin değil misiniz? Popüler bir alternatifle karşılaştırın

Blue Eye

Blue Eye

4,6 (12)
Fiyatlandırma bulunamadı
Ücretsiz sürüm
Ücretsiz deneme
Entegrasyon bulunamadı
4,7 (12)
4,8 (12)
4,8 (12)
Başlangıç Fiyatı
Fiyat Seçenekleri
Kullanım Kolaylığı
Paranızın Karşılığı
Müşteri Hizmetleri
Ücretsiz sürüm
Ücretsiz deneme
3,6 (11)
3,6 (11)
3,8 (11)
Yeşil puanlama çubukları, ortalama puanlama ve yorum sayısına göre en yüksek puanlanan ürünü gösterir.

Blue Eye ürününe diğer harika alternatifler

Veryon Tracking+
En iyi puan alan özellikler
Asset Lifecycle Management
Günlük Defteri İzleme
En iyi puan alan özellikler
Envanter Kontrolü
Envanter Yönetimi
Varlık İzleme
En iyi puan alan özellikler
Mobil Erişim
Tahmini Bakım
İş Emri Yönetimi
En iyi puan alan özellikler
Tahmini Bakım
Varlık İzleme
İş Emri Yönetimi
En iyi puan alan özellikler
Tekerlek Yönetimi
Çalışan Yönetimi
En iyi puan alan özellikler
Bakım Planlama
Tahmini Bakım
İş Emri Yönetimi

Blue Eye için incelemeler

Ortalama puan

Kullanım Kolaylığı
Müşteri Hizmetleri
Paranızın Karşılığı

Şirket büyüklüğüne göre incelemeler (çalışan sayısı)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1.000
  • >1.001

Puan bazında değerlendirmeleri bul

İsviçre dahilindeki Maintenance Manager
Doğrulanmış LinkedIn Kullanıcısı
Havayolları/Havacılık, 51–200 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

The perfect CAMO/MRO Software

5,0 geçen yıl


Blue Eye is a very logical „all in one“ solution. Every functions or features are at the right place n‘ save a lot of time n‘ money.Great n‘ very fast customer support.


….hard to find something - on the first look it can be complicated, but to cover all modules (Techlog, CAMO, Stock management, Part-145 etc) the system has to deal with a lot of information.

İtalya dahilindeki CAMO Manager
Havacılık ve Uzay, 11–50 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Blue Eye 9 Years experience

5,0 3 yıl önce

Yorumlar: Our fleet is all based on Blue Eye and we manage everything but the financial parts.


Easy to use and learn, if used with all features it lows strongly the manpoiwer needed in the office. Cloud technology permit to use it almost from any place in the world.


The database for new useres is empty, and has to be filled in properly. This is a big workload to be scheduled in time.

Hollanda dahilindeki Technical Services Manager
Havayolları/Havacılık, 51–200 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Get in control

3,0 3 yıl önce

Yorumlar: The software is in line with our expectations, although it is absorbing more labor than previous software that we were using. Implementing a new aircraft can be time-consuming, certainly if it is also a new type.


The system is ideally suitable for good data control, as your fully in charge of the whole system and database. It provides the user to keep multiple aircraft types in the system. The Maintenance Program feature allows the user to control all tasks directly from the Maintenance Program all the way up to the planning side. The support from the team is good, they reply within 24 hours, usually with a solution.


The software is not integrated in a web browser, but it requires installation on a Windows platform. Therefore, it feels slow and not in line with current standards. The software requires in-depth knowledge in order to use all functionalities to what they are designed for. It is difficult to get suggested improvements/amendments implemented in the software.

İsveç dahilindeki Technician
Havayolları/Havacılık, 11–50 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 1+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Dikkate Alınan Alternatifler:

Blue Eye/MRO/Stock review

5,0 3 yıl önce

Yorumlar: Our goal was to become paperless in production, and that is acheived fully. We had an ambition to integrate customer invoicing with our accounting system and we are nearly there and also the time keeping for staff worktime but have found out that our sallary system is not compatible. Blue Eye is a small working solution without all the myriads of submenues and screentabs on other larger systems. It has contributed to a much quicker response time in issuing quotes, workorders and invoices.


It is cloud based, completely paperless, it has a very cosistent interface and is easily useable for a smaller company without a decent apartment for every function.


It took some time after initial training to get a grip of the finer details of every function, like - purchasing parts was easy but partial/rest shipment was not included in training.

Portekiz dahilindeki Accountable Manager
Havayolları/Havacılık, 2–10 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 6-12 ay
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Modern Software with responsive support

5,0 3 yıl önce

Yorumlar: Our MRO process is becoming more and more speedy on away missions less reliable on an office with a desk.


We use MRX Sys Blue Eye for our Business Aircraft MRO and we like the functionality of this modern suite and the ease of using it on a daily basis. While there are still issues that need to be looked into form the side of the developers, our expertise in MRO helps them and in turn us to make Blue Eye an evevn ore sophisitciated application.


some of the third and fourth tier down modes need refinement, as authority regulations become more tight and more options are required to compensate for this.

İtalya dahilindeki CAMO employee
Havayolları/Havacılık, 11–50 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

The simpler and perfect solution on aviation fleet management

5,0 3 yıl önce

Yorumlar: I use Blue-Eye since 2016, and I am very happy to work with the software and the development team, which has developed a lot of new features and customizations to adapt the system to our needs. We use the system in Blue-eye, OPS and Stock sections, all integrated in our organization. With the electronic Tech-log we are linked with the single flight of our helicopters, to have the update situation everywhere the heli is flying or to have a quick look in real-time during a maintenance process. It is very simple to use, the interface is fresh and smarter created.


The software is a "container" software. There are many sectors (blue-eye, MRO, Stocks, Ops) all integrated in an unique scheme. This is important because with a single software, you can manage an organization at all. All data are linked with flight operations - maintenance - CAMO sector, so to have a simple tool to manage all infos whit a simple interface and a very easy-to-use software. Very important is the support team, always available to implement new features or to customize the feature on our needs. It helps us to work in a paperless environment. It is possible to work also in offline mode and then synchronize all datas on all of our devices.


Having to indicate a negative point (it is not simple to found it), the system is based on iOs language only, like so many aviation softwares, but it is not a limit, and so you have to use a Ipad and not a generic tablet, whilst the desktop side is multiplatform.

Letonya dahilindeki CAMO and Maintenance Manager
Doğrulanmış LinkedIn Kullanıcısı
Havayolları/Havacılık, 11–50 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Great and Affordable CAMO/MRO/STOCK software for General Aviation, Helicopters, Business Aviation

5,0 3 yıl önce

Yorumlar: Blue Eye has completely replaced all Techlog/CAMO/MRO/STOCK processes with one system. Customer support works great - I have had some features implemented and deployed withing several hours.


I have been using Blue Eye for 5 years already and have managed implementation of the system in two companies that work with General Aviation aircraft and Helicopters. Its many features offer completely paperless eTechlog that is well integrated with CAMO and MRO/STOCK modules. It is very cost effective and user friendly, requires very little training. Some of my favorite pros: 1) Super fast setup; 2) Great integration between eTechlog, Blue Eye (CAMO), Blue MRO, Blue STOCK modules; 3) Completely paperless (iPad + desktop); 4) One click Work Pack generation; 5) Simple PDF reports; 6) STOCK module with QR code labels; 7) Modifiable (drag-n-drop) columns (sorting, filtering, grouping); 8) Easy Invoicing; 9) Automatic backups; 10) Work efficiency control (costs vs revenue, man hour control).


Could have user-modifiable reports.

Letonya dahilindeki Logistics Manager
Havayolları/Havacılık, 11–50 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

MRO use

3,0 3 yıl önce

Yorumlar: Good software for MRO, but as I said, problems with office working reports.
All reports are generated very poor and take a lot of cap.


Simple software to use, a lot of functions helpful in daily work.


Some easy things are not working correctly. export files to excel are to badly created that you must amend it there for some 10 mins to have clear file. Some simple things as copy 1 cell is not possible. Can't fix our own issues when we by mistake create double references and also blue eye has no alert that this reference already created. Basically double creation is not proxibidet.

Fransa dahilindeki Manager
Havacılık ve Uzay, 2–10 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Perfect software for CAMO

5,0 3 yıl önce

Yorumlar: Since I used this software (10 years) I improved my efficiency in tracking management and increased the recognition of competency from my CAA


We feel quickly confortable to use the app. As mentioned by the Blue Eye team : it’s an application for professional from aviation made by professional from aviation


Hard to find a cons but may be the different setting for wall paper option, with halloween style, Valentin etc. Not very useful.

Hollanda dahilindeki Technical Services Engineer
Havayolları/Havacılık, 51–200 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Blue Eye review

5,0 3 yıl önce


Control over the fleet and ease of implementation.


Changes embodied module can be improved.

Grönland dahilindeki Flight Operations Manager
Havayolları/Havacılık, Serbest Meslek
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Happy user

5,0 3 yıl önce

Yorumlar: Super easy to use , the automatic Calculation super to upload to MRX camo


Easy of use and good overview of Aircraft airworthines


Its very good optimized app so i dont have any least og the blueeye

İtalya dahilindeki IT Manager
Havayolları/Havacılık, 51–200 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 1+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Blue Eye is a good software .. it can become perfect !

4,0 3 yıl önce

Yorumlar: great software - simple to use and install - easy data export - quick to use - available anywhere.
There is still some functionality to be developed and some modules to be completed.
the software is excellent, you need to develop the missing parts to be perfect...


Compatibility with different operating system, IOS - Windows and usable on different device semplicity of installation


the lack/incompleteness of some essential module for us