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VideoCom Nedir?
VideoCom, herkesin ilgi çekici canlı ve kaydedilmiş sunumlar oluşturmasını kolaylaştırır. Slaytlara dahil olarak ve CTA'lar (eylem çağrıları) gibi interaktif öğeler ekleyerek sunumlarınızı canlandırın. Mevcut bir sunumu içe aktarabilir veya sıfırdan başlayabilirsiniz. Konuşmacı notları ve yineleme işlevi sayesinde ikna edici bir konuşma yapmak daha önce hiç olmadığı kadar kolay. Tüm kayıtlar, kolayca paylaşılabilecekleri ve gelişmiş medya bilgileriyle izlenebilecekleri güvenli bir buluta anında yüklenir.
Kimler VideoCom Kullanıyor?
Öne çıkmak ve hedef kitlesine yaklaşmak isteyen herkes. Genellikle satış, müşteri başarısı, eğitim/öğretim, İK, yazılım geliştirme ve genel şirket iletişiminde kullanılır.
VideoCom konusunda emin değil misiniz?
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VideoCom için incelemeler

Powerpoint but Turbo
Yorumlar: It's like a swissarmy knife that will let you set up presentations really quick with good results.
What I like is that you can take the PPT presentation and add new slides in the middle of the content easily. So you can jump from slides to video to photos to slides again and then your camera the easiest way possible.You can project directly to a long list of integrated applications like zoom or teams and you can also project to a screen so it's pretty flexible.
Sometimes when you are importing content, if you have too many videos on your PPT, the import can fail. So it's better for you to add those videos later on Presenter.
VideoCom Yanıtı
2 yıl önce
Thanks for your review. So happy to hear that your find the VideoCom platform effective to use. We will keep an eye on support and hope for an even better score next time :-)
VidéoCom est l'outil que tous les streamer et présentateur devrait avoir
Yorumlar: Pour des présentations c'est idéal
La simplicité de l'interface, clair et simple
Aucun inconvénients, tout y est, les options de mise en forme et le fait de pouvoir importer PDF et slide
VideoCom is ShareX, But It Costs Money
It's very easy to have the recordings and screenshots upload to the cloud, if you don't want them just locally. Also pretty simple setup for recording videos
In my time using it, I have not found an exact reason why anyone would choose this program over the completely free ShareX, but I already have it from my lifetime license so it's very useful for my screenshots...when it works. Sometimes I'll use my hotkeys and it'll bug out completely, softlocking the app until I restart it from task manager.
VideoCom Yanıtı
2 yıl önce
Thanks for the feedback! We are happy to hear that you find VideoCom Capture easy to use and beneficial for recordings and screenshots. The tool is part of a platform where we have set a price tag on certain elements like unlimited storage and share page customization. The platform for both free and paid users includes VideoCom Presenter that is used to make live presentations more engaging by adding yourself to the slides, and to turn slides into personalized recordings. Also these recordings are uploaded to the VideoCom Cloud from where they can be made interactive and easily shared. Thanks again for your review. We hope you at some point will get a chance to explore more of the platform.
Great Product!
Yorumlar: Overall my experience with the product is great. It does what I want it to do. I am satisfied. Hopefully new features will be added to the product in future.
The best thing about the product is its ease of use with which any kind of data can be shared with the audience.
I think there should be more marking & editing features in the product. For example, I have found a bug, where if you select an object even when you delete the selection the moment you select something else all the selections show up instead of the object selected. Deleted selection should not appear.
VideoCom Yanıtı
2 yıl önce
Thanks for the nice words! We are strong believers in the power of visual communication and our vision is simply to make it easy for everyone to do engaging video communication. We will continue to add features that support our vision and as part of that soon also include addtional support for marking and editing.
Grandfathered from another app, loved it
Yorumlar: We just migrated from our previous tool, but overall it's been a major improvement.
It's ease of use and absence of the usual "nags" (like auto-opening windows at startup) makes it the perfect tool for our company.
Some of the procedures can still take a little time to master, but that's a minor gripe.
VideoCom ist unsere zuverlässige und bewährte Videopräsentationssoftware
Yorumlar: VideoCom wird hauptsächlich fuer Präsentationen genutzt. In der Zukunft sind aber auch Schulungen und Informationsvideos geplant auf die individuell zugegriffen werden kann. So hat das Unternehmen den Überblick darüber wer was wann wie oft anschaut und wir können nachjustieren und verbessern.
Die Software ist sehr benutzerfreundlich. Die Installation ist sehr einfach. Gibt es dennoch ein Problem ist der Kundensupport sofort zur Stelle und bietet eine Lösung an. Am besten gefällt mir die einfache Handhabung und automatische Sicherung meiner generierten Dateien in der 25GB grossen Cloud, die im Paket inkludiert ist. So kann ich automatisch Präsentationen abrufen ohne diese erneut auf den Server hochladen zu müssen.
Ein Feature, welches der Sicherheit geschuldet ist, ist die Anmeldung der Software. Bei der neuen Nutzung der Software muss sich der Nutzer online anmelden. Das geschieht durch die Eingabe der registrierten e-Mail Adresse, an die ein Code gesendet wird, der im Anmeldefenster eingegeben werden muss. Danach kann die Software und die Benutzung stattfinden. Das ist etwas umständlich aber wie anfangs erwähnt dient dieses Feature der Accountsicherung und verhindert unbefugten Zugriff auf den Account.
Excelente y fácil herramienta para interactuar con mis contactos, así como el llamado a la acción,
Yorumlar: VideoCom es segura y estable que me permite compartir mis capturas de image y vídeo, así como motiva el llamado a la acción.
Facil funcionalidad, conocer las interacciones e incluir to call to action
Conocer más sobre las grabaciones de una videoconferencia

User friendly ! My video presentations are super easy to do now !
Yorumlar: Perfect !!!!! Helps me so much !
As a doctor and a new mum , I don’t have much time to learn how to use new software, but I work with institutions with big names and things need to look professional. I need to record video presentations that I can interact with , easy to do and I need to be on the video my self with a proper background removal. This company has used AI to remove background for gaming before the pandemic , so their algorithm for this works so well , my videos look great! Great background removal ! Easy to use , just like using ppt.
They took a while to release it for Mac, but now I can use on my Mac too !
VideoCom Yanıtı
2 yıl önce
Nice to hear that you find our platform easy to use. We will continue making it easy for everyone to stand out and come closer to their audience during both live and recorded presentations. Thanks!
Great tool for conducting consulting presentations
Super easy to get the hang of . It literally takes minutes to import slides and start recording. I also like the CTA feature which allows me to add links to various websites that I want my clients to visit after watching my recorded video.
I wish I could add text directly in Presenter.
VideoCom Yanıtı
2 yıl önce
Thanks for your review! We are happy to share that we by the end of this month plan to release a fully updated version of VideoCom Presenter, that on top of a new UI includes support for adding text directly on a slide, copy/paste from clipboard, direct media import from VideoCom Cloud, templates and much more.