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MicroStation Nedir?
MicroStation’ın gelişmiş mühendislik tasarımı, modelleme, görselleştirme ve çizim üretim yetenekleri, her disiplinden altyapı profesyonellerinin her ölçekte veya karmaşıklıkta projeler sunmalarına olanak tanımaktadır. Ekibiniz, Bentley’in disiplinine özel BIM uygulamalarıyla (OpenRoads, Open Buildings, vb.) oluşturulan tasarımlar ve modeller dahil olmak üzere, çalışmalarını MicroStation üzerinde birleştirebilmektedir. Sonuç olarak kapsamlı, çok disiplinli modeller, belgeler ve diğer çıktıları oluşturabilirsiniz.
Kimler MicroStation Kullanıyor?
Yollar, köprüler, havalimanları, hastaneler, endüstriyel ve enerji santrallerinin yanı sıra şebeke ağları da dahil olmak üzere, dünyanın altyapısını oluşturmaktan ve yönetmekten sorumlu ekipler tasarlayın.
MicroStation konusunda emin değil misiniz?
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MicroStation için incelemeler

Enhancing Design Efficiency: A Review of MicroStation's Versatile Tools
Yorumlar: MicroStation, a powerful CAD software, provides effective solutions to design and modelling challenges in architecture, engineering, and construction. With its versatile suite of tools, users can streamline infrastructure planning, create accurate designs for roads and bridges, and efficiently annotate drawings. The software's interoperability facilitates seamless data exchange and collaboration. Parametric modelling enables quick design modifications while preserving intent, increasing productivity. MicroStation's visualisation tools offer realistic representations for effective communication and decision-making. These benefits, including increased productivity, enhanced accuracy, improved collaboration, and immersive visualisation, make MicroStation a valuable asset in achieving successful project outcomes.
MicroStation's CAD tools, such as drawing, editing, and modelling features, have a significant impact on design workflows, ensuring precision and productivity. For example, civil engineers can leverage MicroStation's road design tools to create accurate alignments, profiles, and cross-sections, optimising road infrastructure planning. While the software may have a learning curve, users often find it intuitive and easy to use once they become familiar with its interface. Integration with existing business processes is made easier due to MicroStation's compatibility with various file formats, facilitating seamless collaboration and data exchange.
MicroStation, like any software, has areas that users find challenging or would like to see improved. Some users have encountered a learning curve when initially navigating the interface, but many find it intuitive and user-friendly once they become familiar with it. While MicroStation offers a wide range of features, some users have expressed a desire for additional advanced functionalities and enhancements to tools like rendering and parametric modelling. Integrating MicroStation with existing business processes can sometimes be complex, especially when dealing with intricate workflows or specific software requirements. However, with proper planning and support, effective integration can be achieved. It's important to note that these challenges are not universal, and MicroStation continues to evolve with updates and support, addressing user concerns and enhancing the overall user experience.
Dikkate Alınan Alternatifler:
MicroStation, good but could use some programing improvements
Yorumlar: After working with MicroStation for many years for client required projects, I have become efficient at using the platform, although there are many things I would change in the software to make it flow much easier. Some processes take too many steps that could be programed into one button. Overall, I can generate a great set of 2D documents.
I would say the biggest thing I like about MicroStation is how its final prints look, they come out looking crisp and precise that I have had trouble duplicating in other programs. The fact that it constantly autosaves is great. I also like the way it handles levels and the way seed files work. There are some great things about MicroStation.
I least like things like some commands in MicroStation seems more like programing than just hitting a button that should do what you want it to do. Alot of the sequence of things seems backwards in MicroStation as well.
v8i - An archaic drafting software
Yorumlar: MicroStation is one of the most frustrating drafting softwares I have had to work with. If you plan on implementing it and have many new users, be sure to provide adequate training and budget for time wasted on the steep learning curve.
The geographic projects settings are very useful in comparison to competitor software. Microstation v8i has a feature that lets you project coordinate systems. This is extremely useful when dealing with different client coordinate systems.
The layout and commands of this software are very old fashioned and not intuitive at all. Commands consist of number and letter, although there is an option for allowing key-ins. Remembering the corresponding numbers and letters for commands can be challenging when in a rush and working at fast pace. If you can't remember the commands, then you can use the toolbars. By end of one hour, your right hand and shoulder using the mouse has undergone an intense workout. Your fingers will become very powerful. Using key-ins instead requires long commands. There is a separate save button for saving settings like display and view options. If you forget to press save AND save settings, you'll have to redo your setup when you reopen the drawing. Obvious settings are hidden. Simple commands like the selection tools are random letters like yuihjkl;. If you then try to work with Microstation Connect edition, commands are completely different. This is not a beginner friendly software. There is a lack of training resources and it's only learnable if someone holds your hand and walks you through.
Microstation Exceeds Expectations
Yorumlar: I have used Microstation for 5 years and it has delivered what you expect from it when it comes to 2D drafting and documentation. I would recommend Microstation to anyone who would like to experience a different kind of working environment that provides a more flexible software.
I like the software environment of Microstation and the straightforward input of commands without the hassle of being confused with some of its interface. Pull down menus, ribbons and command palettes are easy to use and they are helpful in speeding up drafting works and coordination of drawings are not that difficult.
Microstation lacks some of the updates that would makes drafting more dynamic when it comes to command generation to provide a quick turnaround. Nowadays, drawing production is critical and I hope Bentley could come up with some innovations that can compete with other drawing softwares.
MicroStation usage
I loved the ease of use and setup\deployment to our end users
Didn't really see anything specifically not to like.
Functionality and User frieindly
visualizing and modeling point cloud data and reality meshes.
microstation have separete module for each and lots or fundtion that can extract data. also reads several formats of point cloud which means i dont have to use another application and allow point cloud classifications with alot of features and specs
what i like most about microstation it have alot of operations can be done through microstation drawing, 3d modeling, making charts and work sheets. without haaving to close and open another appliation. also i can visualize my work, hide, display or clip my design without deleting or removing any item. also microstation dynamic reference makes it easy to update all my drawings and sheets (3D&2D) with only updating design model. most of all it is Auto-save CAD application. and i can record each change i do on me my design and recall this changes.
workspace, worksets configurations and design file settings needs to be more easy to understand
Best CAD software
Yorumlar: I have loved it. The customer support is also very easy.
It's very easy to use. I came from AutoCAD and don't want to go back again.
Nothing that I can think of, sometimes it will hang.
Microstation - Connect Edition
Overall it is good experience, quite logical.
Wish many options from V8i could be shown with the same logic for Connect Edition (that we use now)
Like the feature of the referencing (vs. AutoCAD - it is much easier and quicker)
When referencing AutoCAD files (what we need quite often) - sometimes it does not work, needs transfer AutoCAD files into Microstation
Amazing CAD tool and easy to use for beginners
Its easy to use as compare to other CAD software.
The software gets close and does not allow multiple files opening at the same time.

Bentley's computer-aided design software.
Yorumlar: MicroStation is a powerful software that offers advanced functionality and is widely adopted in the engineering and construction industry.
What I really like about MicroStation is that it provides a comprehensive range of tools and features for creating and modifying technical drawings, 3D models, and schematics. It is particularly helpful in projects involving the design of buildings, bridges, and industrial facilities.
MicroStation is continually updated with new features, so it's hard to find any negative points. Except perhaps in terms of cost.
Standard Practice for Design
The software has taken huge strides with Connect Edition, integrating design software into one working space
Lots of crashes, software can be slow, 3D renders are dated.
A review of MIcrostation by Bentley
Its good for drawings and 3d models. You can use it for parametric modelling. Quality of animation and renderings is decent enough.
It is not that widely used. It is generally used by transportation planners. And as its not widely used it cant be an alternative to software like autocad for interior design and architecture.
Solid tool suite for multi-discipline integrated design!
Stable platform, excellent visualization and rendering, robust tool set even for just drawing geometry. Discipline BIM tools integrate amongst each other miles beyond the Autodesk realm. All time favorite feature? The reference manager dialog box and using logicals!
Click heavy, users can develop wrist strain easy if not careful. There is ambiguity about how some features work. For example, is it really necessary to shift the global origin in design files anymore? Why is it that level display settings will carry across reference models, but then become broken? Why not a quick fix button for that?
Great product for infrastructure design
Yorumlar: I have been using MicroStation for over 7 years. It is the best drafting software for engineers designing infrastructure.
MicroStation is the best product for highway and bridge design. It is a very easy software to use and has a minimal learning curve. Overall, I find MicroStation to be much easier to use than AutoCAD. Bentley is improving all of their MicroStation/OpenBridge products and advancing the future of BrIM.
I have no major criticisms of the software. There are some limitations with creating 3D models, but the product is coming along quickly.
Answers for Open Roads and SS4 - poor performance and issues with new software bugs need work around
Yorumlar: Working on 3D Model development and workflows
I like they are moving to doing design in 3D - software from what I seen the interface in Open Roads looks easier.
Help files are poor - difficult to set up standards and information on setting up standards is hard to find - using software seems tricky very picky on the prompts new users can not get a grasp - need to use heads up prompts than switch to key board - many bugs in SS4 difficult to move standards forward - trying to develop work flow is cumbersome - using Project Wise is another issue with their own Bentley software - difficult to snap to elements in SS4 tentative snap works funny - changed printing dialog so every time a user hits enter on the dialog it send a print - difficult to mange new setting like this when using multiple version of the software behaves one way in SS2 and another in SS4 - Support closes tickets without asking if issue is resolved - support page selection for area needing help on needs updating - Plan prep in open roads very lacking -
The Backbone of our Company Draftsmen
Yorumlar: A cheaper and more lightweight AutoCAD. If you spend some time with it, you can do anything you need to do on AutoCAD with it.
It uses way less resources than AutoCAD. Microstation has lots of capabilities of custom code and it runs way faster than AutoCAD.
They keep on trying to force you to update to the newest version however our custom macros will not be supported. They took away our large volume discount after we refused to upgrade.
basic 2D / 3D advanced drawing program
Yorumlar: It can be used as a common platform in all engineering areas such as Map, Infrastructure, Architecture, Construction, Mechanical, Installation, GIS.
Engineering programs that cannot do 3d modeling but have other advantages connect two programs to each other with an interface developed for microstation.
There is a problem that the lines drawn in the latest v8 version, but in this version, cannot be opened in the previous versions.
We Use PowerGEOPAK, and it crashes constantly
Yorumlar: We are able to work with DOT
Flexibility with AutoCAD is a plus. The referencing capability is superior to other CAD products. The administration of MicroStation over other CAD products is great.
We Use PowerGEOPAK, and it crashes constantly. The user interface is old, and needs to be updated. I will say this, OpenRoads Designer finally looks like new software.
An overall great program but crashes A LOT with what I am doing.
Yorumlar: Accurate.
I like the ease on control with everything being mouse operated. The 3D part of it is great with the 3D window also.
It crashes a lot. And when it crashes you have to get into everything again, even the little things like the template you are using. Doesn't seem like much but takes a lot of time if you add it all up.

I use microstation on my daily highway projects.
it is easy to work with. its user interface is great. all the clients i work with require to use microstation as the basis software.
sometimes attaching many references and attaching raster images can slow down microstation. printing pdf files can sometimes take a while.

MicroStation is a good software for designing and modeling, I like to design complex object on this.
A great workstation and with simple interface and one can continuously save the files, the range of tools for drafting are good. It doesn't require much of a training and also has the quick load time. Lots of other software takes forever to load. Its super easy to navigate and very user friendly.
Management of shading patterns can be improved and no default keyboard keys makes the navigation sluggish and as compared to Auto CAD it lags a little. If these issues can be resolved, I don't find a reason to switch to another software ever.
My preference in highway design software
Yorumlar: I used this software in my undergraduate classwork, and I enjoyed the learning process, even if the bentley learning studio is a little difficult to navigate.
I appreciate the tools available in InRoads Suite, for use with surfaces and geometry alignments when creating models or roadway elements. I currently use Microstation V8i as my current version, and it satisfies my companies needs for roadway highway design.
I have found some small bugs that will cause either an abrupt crash or a 'slow' crash that is more recoverable. I have heard that the CONNECT Edition is much less stable than the V8i version of Microstation, and for that reason our company has avoided switching to CONNECT for future projects, until bugs have been worked out.
Microstation is much easier to use that autocad. It's less time consuming to use than autocad.
Yorumlar: It's just easy to use. I use it at my job here and it makes my job easier. I also use AutoCAD but avoid it if I can. Microstation is just much, much better.
Ease of use. User friendly. Can use two, three screens which make it easy to copy items to find things on the screen easily. Microstation allows you to open and convert autocad files. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAVE YOUR WORK!! I just love this product. I can't say enough good things about Microstation by Bentley.
I do like the tabs that autocad uses so that you don't have to open a file separately. The cost of a Microstation license is fairly expensive. I'd like to have some different fonts and linestyles given by the manufacturer.
Occasional glitches but effective for my tasks
Yorumlar: My company is using Microstation combined with Terrascan to visualize lidar data and model utilities. The software has a lot of functionality and I am learning new abilities weekly.
Microstation has a a very active set of forums and help where you can generally look for a problem you are having and someone else has already come across the issue and solved it.
A recent update changed some of the files on my machine, effectively breaking my normal workflow and resetting my machine to a previous version of the software would not fix the issue. Working with customer support we were not able to fix it and I had to find a workaround

It allows you to do quick math while seeing the method of getting to the answer. It's compatible with AutoCAD
It is kind of dated. It works well enough but could be more user friendly.