18 yıldır işletmelerin daha iyi yazılımı
seçmesine yardımcı oluyoruz



MedSupply Nedir?

Mevcut tıbbi envanter kontrol uygulamalarının en güçlülerinden biridir. MedSupply yazılımı güçlüdür, kullanımı kolaydır ve tüm UPC (evrensel ürün kodu) ve 2-D paket barkodlarını okur veya kendi barkod etiketlerinizi oluşturmanızı sağlar. Parti numaralarını ve son kullanma tarihlerini yönetir. Her tür tıbbi, cerrahi tesis ve diş kliniği için uygundur. Tüm satıcılarınızın ilaç, implant, cihaz ve sarf malzemelerinin kullanımını takip edin. Sipariş emirlerini, teslim alınan, son kullanma tarihi geçen ürünleri ve hastaların kullanımını yönetin. EMR (elektronik tıbbi kayıt) entegrasyonu bulunmaktadır. Bulut veya sunucu tabanlı

Kimler MedSupply Kullanıyor?

Tıbbi envanter kullanım maliyetlerini izleme olanağı sağlar. Özellikle, manuel veya elektronik çizelge izleme süreçleri kullanan işletmeler için uygundur. EHR (elektronik sağlık kaydı) tutan ve olgu maliyet raporlaması isteyenler içindir.

MedSupply konusunda emin değil misiniz? Popüler bir alternatifle karşılaştırın



4,4 (16)
Ücretsiz sürüm
Ücretsiz deneme
Entegrasyon bulunamadı
4,5 (16)
5,0 (16)
4,8 (16)
Başlangıç Fiyatı
Fiyat Seçenekleri
Kullanım Kolaylığı
Paranızın Karşılığı
Müşteri Hizmetleri
Ücretsiz sürüm
Ücretsiz deneme
4,0 (8)
4,0 (8)
4,4 (8)
Yeşil puanlama çubukları, ortalama puanlama ve yorum sayısına göre en yüksek puanlanan ürünü gösterir.

MedSupply ürününe diğer harika alternatifler

En iyi puan alan özellikler
Satıcı Yönetimi
Ürün Kimliği
En iyi puan alan özellikler
Envanter Kontrolü
Envanter Yönetimi
Varlık İzleme
En iyi puan alan özellikler
Chart of Accounts
Gelir ve Bilanço
Kâr/Zarar Tablosu
En iyi puan alan özellikler
Envanter Kontrolü
Envanter Yönetimi
Envanter İzleme
En iyi puan alan özellikler
Envanter Kontrolü
Envanter İzleme
Mobil Erişim
Health Cloud
En iyi puan alan özellikler
Belge Yönetimi
HIPAA (ABD Sağlık Sigortası Taşınabilirlik ve Sorumluluk Yasası) Uyumlu
Randevu Yönetimi

MedSupply için incelemeler

Ortalama puan

Kullanım Kolaylığı
Müşteri Hizmetleri
Paranızın Karşılığı

Şirket büyüklüğüne göre incelemeler (çalışan sayısı)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1.000
  • >1.001

Puan bazında değerlendirmeleri bul

ABD dahilindeki Inventory Control
Sağlık, Sağlıklı Yaşam ve Fitness, 51–200 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

MedSupply Evaluation

5,0 5 yıl önce


Keeps track of lot numbers and expiration dates is very important to us, however the product support is by far the best feature of this product. Just send an e mail or call with a question or problem and you get immediate response. Sometimes even on weekends or evenings. We have even gotten program features that we requested added. It's all about product support.


Really have had no major problems in the 11 years we have used it other than normal learning curve problems.

ABD dahilindeki Inventory Manager
Hastane ve Sağlık Hizmetleri, 51–200 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Happy with Software

5,0 6 yıl önce

Yorumlar: I get help with whatever question or concern I have, whenever I call.


I like ease in adding new product to inventory list


I don't know what all the features are.

Surgical Assistant
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: Sunulmamıştır
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Inventory System

3,0 15 yıl önce

Yorumlar: Once set up this is set up, the system is easy to use. We still have a few bugs to iron out. And once that is straightened out we would be willing to act as a referral.


Fits our needs. easy to use once set up.


Some changes could be made - it wouold be nice if you could switch between windows, as it is if you are working in one window, you have to close it to maybe check one thing in another, then lose what you are working on. Bar Codes- it would be great if you could list what you need and just leave it there, come back to it when you have more to add and print them all at once - as it is now,if you close the window you lose them. It is not always convienient to print 3 or 4 at a time. ** Occationally the bar code will scan for weeks, and suddenly not identify the produce using the same bar code when we try ti scan it in - please davise avout that.

Decision Software Systems Yanıtı

9 yıl önce

We have added many of the suggestions proposed by Dr. Strauss' office since the original 2010 review. It is this feedback that helps us to make the application even more useful for all our customers.

ABD dahilindeki Administrative Assistant
Tıbbi Uygulama, 51–200 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 2+ yıl
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Met all my needs. Staff is friendly and helpful.

5,0 7 yıl önce

Yorumlar: I never had any real problems with the software. At first, of course, we all have question, but the staff is very helpful.


The software is easy to navigate. exporting to excel is simple. I like to spreadsheet format and it is easily customized.

ABD dahilindeki Operating Room Director
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: Sunulmamıştır
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Extremely adaptive inventory maintenance software

5,0 10 yıl önce

Yorumlar: When the practice decided to implement an inventory tracking software I was very apprehensive. The facility had been open for over ten years and had over 1000 unique items in stock. I will admit the implementation was rough, but with the help of the staff at Decision Software we got through it. SupplyPro is very easy to navigate and even our "computer fearful" have had no trouble using it. Our practice is constantly changing and SupplyPro has been able to change with us. There have been a few tasks that I wanted the software to perform that it wasn't capable of, however after a brief contact with the staff, they changed the PROGRAMMING to accommodate my needs! Decision Software is attentive to the needs of the current market and have not failed us in adapting their product to the ever-changing environment. I would recommend this program to anybody looking to implement an easy and stress-free way to organize and track their inventory.

Materials Manager
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: Sunulmamıştır
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

It's Ok, not great but ok

3,0 15 yıl önce

Yorumlar: Good software, does basic Inventory control needs. If you want anything more advanced, go somewhere else.


It is easy to use if you have a background in inventory control software. Printing Barcode labels.


No ability to show usage on a particular item. Creating Purchase orders is difficult. Too many search methods on some screens, not enough on others. Needs better barcode device support. No ability to create a picklist for items on carts, or to input items needed on carts to create a picklist for picking items in storeroom.

Decision Software Systems Yanıtı

9 yıl önce

Many user interface and reporting improvements have been made since this review was originally made. User feedback is the best source for product improvement and development.

ABD dahilindeki Office Operations Supervisor
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: Sunulmamıştır
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

SupplyPro Review

4,0 10 yıl önce

Yorumlar: The addition of SupplyPro to our processes has been quite positive. Tracking items ordered and used in our clinics has really improved since we started using this program. This is exciting with 8 locations invlolved. Our monthly inventory counts are going really well and the low number of errors we find are related to staff. A few issues that we have encountered have been training related for staff and easily overcome. The customer service that SupplyPro offers has been great. They have been very prompt when we have reasched out to them with questions and requests for assistance. At one point we requested a custom report for internal use and the support team made that happen in a short amount of time. The SupplyPro staff have been pleasant and accommodating throughout all of our interactions with them.

Yazılımın kullanım amacı: Sunulmamıştır
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

This system will reduce your supply costs

5,0 12 yıl önce

Yorumlar: I highly recommend this inventory system if you have inventory items in your facility. This system will quickly show you how you are spending your money and how best to save you on your bottom line. We use the Surgical Supply Pro version of this system in our out patient facility. Email me and I can give you details on the numerous areas this system assists us in providing optimal patient care while controlling our supply Costs.


Easy to use and set up. Customer service is the best in the business.


I am very critical in reviewing software. For this system, I HAVE NOT had any issues with installing, set up or using this system. This has been the best investment we have made in controlling our inventory.

ABD dahilindeki Medical Supply Purchaser
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: Sunulmamıştır
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

SupplyPro Software

5,0 10 yıl önce

Yorumlar: I really like SupplyPro for inventory for Immunization and Family Planning contraception, STD and TB medications. I am able to pull up reports when I am asked to and they are easy to read and understand. I do not use it to keep patients information so I am not sure how that side of my busness likes it but for me it is great. I have recommended it on 2 different occasion
One thing that I don't really like is when the EHSuccess decides to move SupplyPro to another server and not tell anyone or open up right to get into SupplyPro to work in. This has happen serveral times but I know that it is not the fault of SupplyPro, but it is still frustrating.

ABD dahilindeki Practice Administrator
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 1-5 ay
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

The software was relatively easy to learn.

4,0 7 yıl önce


We like being able to see when we received supplies between three offices before we pay an invoice. We can also finally track our implant parts by lot number.


There have been a few glitches that have taken some time to get worked out, but they were fixed fairly quickly.

Kolombiya dahilindeki ingenieria sistemas
Doğrulanmış LinkedIn Kullanıcısı
Bilgisayar Donanımı, 2–10 Çalışan
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: 1-5 ay
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Really nice Med software

4,0 geçen yıl

Yorumlar: Es muy bueno,ahorra mucho tiempo y recursos cuando se usa.


una vez configurado, el software es sencillo de usar y de configurar según las necesidades de uno


Algunas funciones que tiene son algo complejas de entender o usar.

Yazılımın kullanım amacı: Sunulmamıştır
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Product Review

4,0 10 yıl önce

Yorumlar: This program lets me keep a close eye on my inventory and my orders. By creating an invoice and allowing me to email it to vendors it makes placing orders even more simple taking less time on the phone. Scanning out inventory is easy. Printing bar codes couldn't be any simpler. Whenever we have had any technical issues the Decisions Software team is always quick to research and fix a problem as fast as they can. As we have used it we have made some suggestions to make things even easier and they are always willing to hear an opinion or an idea!

ABD dahilindeki Purchasing Agent
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: Sunulmamıştır
Değerlendirici Kaynağı


5,0 10 yıl önce

Yorumlar: After using a very outdated system it is wonderful to have a system that can do everything I was doing manually and much more with just a few touches of a button. The staff at Decision Software are always very friendly and helpful if and when I should need their assistance. I couldn't ask for a better software for our needs or a better company to work with.

Decision Software Systems Yanıtı

10 yıl önce

Amber is a real pro at managing inventory in many different departments. We appreciate her feedback on how to make SupplyPro more useful to mega-managers like her.

MD Director
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: Sunulmamıştır
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Rural Health Center Lake City, Colorado

5,0 12 yıl önce

Yorumlar: Good program and very good people


Support, responsiveness, and flexibility have been excellent & we have not been easy


don't have much; They made a choice not to use written documentation, rather try hard to respond personally. That has been good but at times written documentation might have worked at 'off times'

Office Manager
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: Sunulmamıştır
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

Supply Pro

4,0 15 yıl önce

Yorumlar: I would recommend the software to other offices, it saves time.


Easy to update supply inventory and items that need to be reordered.


Looking up supply list is difficult and no prevention measure to prevent double entries. Also vendors can not be added from the add item screen.

ABD dahilindeki manager
Yazılımın kullanım amacı: Sunulmamıştır
Değerlendirici Kaynağı

North Providence Primary Care

5,0 10 yıl önce

Yorumlar: this software is great for any type or size medical office , and the support is the best I have ever had with any program.

Yazılımın bulunduğu yer